A Message from Our President...
“Soar above the rest, not with pride but with purpose.”
~C.S. Lewis
My Motto
SOAR: Service Offer Achieve Renew
My Motto
SOAR: Service Offer Achieve Renew
For centuries, people have seen eagles as a symbol of majestic beauty, bravery, honor, pride, and grace. This bird is important and symbolic to humanity because of it’s characteristics. Strength, determination and courage are just some of the qualities the eagle and WICC members have in common. Eagles symbolize vitality and power. With their feathers and large wings, they also represent speed and greatness. They represent honesty, truth, wisdom, and freedom. All these are qualities of our club. Some people see eagles as a sign of a bright future on the horizon. WICC is part of the past and the future of Corona, a familiar face within our community, serving as a vital partner with Corona. WICC is a service club and we are here to serve!!
Come along and SOAR with me as we serve our community. I leave you with a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.”
Yours in service,
Carol Conway
President 2024-2026